Timeless Beauty



There are so many ideas of beauty. I personally like the loud in your face sense of beauty, but that is just me.

In a world filled with smoky eyes, heavy caked on contour and highlight, crazy cat eyes, and sucking on shot glasses- Susan was my perfect client to calm the storm.

A naturally beautiful woman, who just wanted a natural, beautiful, timeless Audrey Hepburn classic kind of a look. What a great breath of fresh air. She was already beautiful and did not want to hide it but simply enhance it.

I am so glad I recommended her to Hailey Faria Photography (and even happier she accepted). To me if you want timeless photos to hang and have forever, Hailey Faria is the way to go. Make sure and check her out.

https://www.facebook.com/HaileyFariaPhotography?fref=ts10917858_822925384453951_319769427764509554_n 11118628_822925314453958_3654475280649374366_n 11182107_822925304453959_8948875968131141526_n

Life is full of precious moments, capture them so you can enjoy them forever.


PC: Hailey Faria

Journey to Greatness


How many times have you felt like you were destined for more? Like you knew that God had greater plans for your life.

Through all the pain and suffering in my life I have always felt like I was destined for something great. Not like “insta” great. I may never reach 1,000,000 followers on anything social media related- but I am destined to reach woman every where.

I am just as successful if I help 1 woman in life than if I help 1,000,000 because every life is precious. Every struggle, every battle I endure is my testimony; it will bring hope. Let me tell you, in the beginning I thought believing was enough, than praying… Now I know that greatness starts with me.

I actually had to stop hoping and start doing. I had to put a plan into action and deliver on it. Without action there is no reaction. I still feel like a fish out of water most the time. I am not tech savvy, and I am definitely not up to date on all the media stuff. (I am sure I am like a 90 year old lady when it comes to this, and some of tem may know more than me).

If you have a dream, a goal, or a  calling. If you lay in bed feeling like maybe your life can be more. If you feel as though there is greatness inside of you that you have not reached… Get started. It is okay to allow yourself to stumble, fall, be embarrassed…at least you are doing something.

Find who you are destined to be. Push your limits. Break your barriers. Free your potential. BE GREAT!


Destined for Greatness

Success through Struggle


I must say- I am so unbelievably blessed! My business is booming by the Grace of God! So much so that I am constantly in a struggle to see if I forgot something or someone. I double, triple, quadruple check things constantly.

Along the way I learn and think of new ways to improve, it feel like everyday. I am not a great business woman, yet, but I am on my way.

I must say that the most frustrating part has been the legalities of it all. Geez, so many legal issues to run by the state. I have changed my business name several times…. I can’t believe how hard it is. I don’t want to be “makeup by T”- I have purpose and I feel like my name should mirror my purpose.

I know in my heart that God is blessing me. I have a heart to help woman- and I am okay with the struggles. There was a time in my life when I ran away from difficulty. I refused to be challenged. This past year- I have been pushed to unimaginable lengths and am conquering them all. (Well some of them I am still conquering)

Things I have learned along the way-

1. Make sure you have a solid idea

2. Understand your brand and demographic

3. Network

4.Figure out the paperwork

5. First year will hurt Financially

6. Keep your head up

If your just “some girl” or guy with a lifelong dream, don’t quit. My “competition” is generally 10 years younger than me – in better shape, beautiful and have a huge amount of followers. I used to get so frustrated and so envious of them. But, not anymore. My demographic is not the same- I am not destined for “that success” but my own. Be headstrong- you will make it through.


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Proverbs 3:5

Harley Quinn Inspired Halloween Makeup


Soooo… Hubby is a huge Batman Nerd. Well, he’s just a Nerd. LOL…. So I asked him if I should do a Batmanish inspired makeup and he was so excited. Apparently he has a nerd crush on Harley Quinn an I need to revisit the Batman series.

As always, check out m tutorial on youTube…. Subscribe!


Out of the Ordinary


I like to think that we all have “those” days… you know, the one’s where you just feel goofy! Man o Man did I ever have that day yesterday!

Maybe it was the excitement that I figured out how to download a video editor to my laptop (I really need to be more tech savvy), or maybe it was the added motivation to get stuff done (BAM! 4 youTube videos in 1 day), or maybe I was just enjoying myself. I caught myself making these fabulous faces at the camera for minutes…. just because!

I can remember when I worked full time I was full of energy and was a complete goof ball at work. I laughed, I joked, I had fun. But, since becoming a stay at home mom- I seem to have lost some (ALOT) of that joy. I stopped laughing. I was no longer goofy. I struggled to enjoy my time, I spend every moment worried about everyone and everything else. I always pictured myself  playing games with my kids, playing and laughing. But reflecting on this last year I realize- I am sooooo not that mom. What I want in my heart and mind has not been who I am in my actions. Don’t get me wrong I love being at home with my kids but I lost a part of myself…. That carefree, goofy, laugh at myself part I enjoyed.

Since starting my Instagram and youTube channel (and this blog) I have found myself again. It feels so good to laugh. I realize I am an educator, it’s who I am. Whatever plan God has in store for me it includes speaking to groups, or educating. I love it! (Awww, I miss my students!) This is partly why I began tutorials and Vlogs. It makes me feel like me.

So what is out of the ordinary for me? I feel lost as to whether I am truly the goofy person, or the uptight person. Or maybe I’m just suppose to be a balance of both! That is what life is about right? Finding balance.

It seems whenever we rock the pendulum too far right or left and lose our balance we feel “out of the ordinary”. Like we are no longer “normal”. To be honest I like the overly goofy side of my pendulum… but I know I can’t always be that way, especially not as a mom.

We all shift from time to time and that is ORDINARY. I don’t think anyone is always balanced. So if you get hard on yourself when you feel like you are losing yourself or don’t even know who you really are, don’t worry, that in itself makes you ordinary.




Superstar Kids


Whoot Whoot!!! Proud Momma moment! Our son that just began Kindergarten not only received the superstar of the week but, on Friday will be presented with the Citizen of the month certificate.

I was so concerned when he began school this year, after all I spent the last year homeschooling and as much as I would like to say that we did lots of thins and got to meet playmates- raising 4 kids didn’t open a lot of free time in the world to hang out and make friends.

So when school first started and I would ask the teachers how he was doing- the response “he’s great and we wish we had a whole class like him” was the best feeling ever for me as a parent. When he was asked to make a poster for the class- that made him felon top of the world.

It was so exciting to see the joy an excitement as I pulled out the glitter glue and construction paper. I kept thinking, wow what did I do to deserve such an awesome loving child?

Little Mikey will not allow me to leave school without several rounds of hugs and kisses. He won’t go to sleep without prayer time. He is always looking for ways to be helpful- he even swept the neighbors garage with a paintbrush! The fact that he has carried this love and help into the classroom warms my heart.

This must have come from just surrounding him with love. This is truly all I want for all of my children- such profound joy and love that they pass it on to others.


My Favorite Makeup Look


I love makeup and it is no secret! But this look is hands down my favorite…. It is simple, clean, pretty and has just a hint of shimmer.

I think that as woman we should embrace the beauty God has given us. That doesn’t mean I think we shouldn’t enhance it, I mean we shouldn’t cover it! I think your friends, family, and spouses should always know it’s you. I don’t think people should compliment how pretty your makeup is before they compliment you.

If you want to learn the look check out my page on youtube- divine beautease


Blessing in Disguise


I have to say moving to Hawaii, and solely freelancing as a hair and makeup artist was so scary for me. I have always been a mom with a 40+ hr./wk. job. I love having time for the children and to take care of the necessary everyday “life” issues but was really concerned about not working full time. I guess I feared that the “use it or lose it” theory would apply.

To be honest, God blessed me in ways I never imagined. I have worked with 2 of the most talented photographers I have met. Brittney Ignarro of Iganrro Photography– she gave me my start on tis Island and has been such a huge supporter of what I do. I have the opportunity with her to work with woman that have overcome a lot. That have dedicated themselves to fitness and weight loss, they inspire me. To watch woman transform and physically watch tem get comfortable in their skin is the best feeling. I contribute to their confidence! WOW!

Then, there is Hailey Faria of Hailey Faria Photography and her design concept team Dream Compass. The amount of talent and creativity they bring to the table is insane. Photo shoots are always different, always unique, and always tell the most amazing stories. I know every time she meets with clients they shed tears of happiness.

So while I got so hung up on the idea of clocking in and out of a “job” everyday, I have been blessed beyond my control. I give God major props for the work he has done. The fact that we have moved and have been able to support our large family on my husbands income while I attempt to build my business is crazy. I talked for years about doing the things I am  now, and never imagined it would be real. But to be working with such tremendous talent and know that they are supportive of me, is the biggest blessing.

I am able to make my schedule, take care of my kids, and have a supportive and inspiring group of woman in my life.

I have to tell you if you are ever in the area…. or heck just look them up, I promise these talented woman do not disappoint. So, never count your eggs before they hatch. Sometimes if you can just make it through the storm the rainbows are sure to come. There is blessing if you overcome, stay positive, and pray.


Book Review: Circle Maker


It is no secret to most that know me on a personal level. I was never the book type. As I have matured I find myself reading more and more, and if it’s good I catch myself finishing a book.

Most recently I have been reading The Circle Maker. Wow, what an amazing and inspiring book. I am so obsessed I’m giving it an A+ an I haven’t finished it yet. So far this is the stand out quote “never put a comma where God puts a period, and never put a period where God puts a comma.” I am convinced at this point I will be using this as my life motto.

I think of all the times I gave up on something, and have spent time thinking “what if”? Could it be that I ended my story too soon, did I put a period where a comma should have been? In life there are set backs and I think as a whole people tend to give up too soon. If we try and fail maybe we try again but eventually most of us quit. However that no your not going to do that could have been a not yet.

Would we continue to fight through failure and rejection is there was a promise that no matter what, no matter the sacrifice that you would receive a great reward. Would we still feel like we have failed?

As a Christian woman building on a relationship with God this hit me hard. I have quit so many times on my dreams. The dream comes back I try and I quit because I am not receiving reward fast enough. The fact that my dream refuses to go away, now feels like God yelling  me: “hey stupid! How long until you realize I decide how and when? If you aren’t patient you won’t succeed but I promise if you quit you will never finish.” That’s it! If I stop I will never finish.

So I am grabbing that awesome pink pearl eraser from my childhood and erasing the periods that didn’t belong in my life.

Don’t stop, pray and press through. You don’t want to be one failure away from success.


Your life is yours


What a blessing it is to be alive

One life for JUST you

You were hand picked to live your life

No body else will ever live the same life as you

Never will someone breath the same breath

You have one chance to be you

You are who you choose to be

If you choose to dedicate life to looking like a someone else

If you are trying to live their life

Who is living yours?


Listen, I know how easy it is to get sucked into the fantasy of being someone ore interesting or beautiful than you may see yourself as. I lived a make believe life for years. I am hear to say if you don’t like what you see than it is time to clean the mirror and realize that someone somewhere is wishing they were as blessed as you. Someone is taking their last breath wishing they could do things over again, do them differently.

If you made mistakes no matter how big- forgive yourself, it is already done. Move on and make better choices.

If you are picked on and bullied- know that the person bullying you sees beauty in you they don’t see in themselves. The only way to keep themselves strong is making sure you never realize the potential you have. I know I was the bully and the bullied!

If someone hurt you- you are stronger than them, you are hurt but not broken. You are reading this so your heart is beating, it’s not broken.

If your lonely- be creative express yourself. Open a bible, pray. You are never alone.

If your a dreamer- write down your dreams. See how many can come true.

No matter who you are or what you are going through, there is a reason. Be strong beautiful, don’t let life pass you by.
