Beautifully Broken & Perfectly Imperfect


I end almost every one of my blogs with this saying (almost). The reason being is I use it as a positive reminder to myself.

I truly pour my heart out on these pages and expose things in my past and present most of my close family and friends don’t know. I hope that my past as crazy as it was to me will help inspire someone.

I overcame a life of lies, depression, cutting, abuse, and a horrible divorce. At one point my only prayer was begging God to free me from this World. It was not easy and often I have wanted to quit. But, I never do. I have always known in my heart that there was more to life than the struggles I was facing. I was destined for something great (still working on it).

I am exactly who I am because of those struggles. I still fight against people who are trying to break me. Am I broken? Sure a bit, but I am healing everyday by the grace of God. The things that have made me feel broken have lead me to the beautiful life I am living now. I am Beautifully Broken! Imperfect? Heck yes! I am a supersized helping of imperfection and I am proud of it! I was not created to be perfect and neither was anyone else. As a matter of fact if I think of it, the only person to walk the Earth perfect was Jesus Christ and he paid the price by  hanging on a cross. If that is the price for perfection, I am just fine being flawed. As a matter of fact that’s what I think of when I face adversity. Nothing I go through is more difficult than what Jesus endured for me.

I know not everyone reading this is “religious” and that’s a choice. My point in this is, it is okay to feel broken. The reality is you are only really “cracked” you never broke because you are still standing. It is okay to be imperfect because it gives you something to strive for. Something better is always around the corner. Every tear you cry could be the start to something better, every door that closes could lead to something better. If you quit than you will never know.

Stay Strong



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